Board Governance Introduction

This module will review an introduction to board governance practice materials, a self-study training model on effective board governance practices for Literacy and Basic Skills agencies and other non-profit Employment Ontario delivery agencies.


Community Literacy of Ontario (CLO) is delighted to present our online, self-study training model on effective board governance practices for Literacy and Basic Skills agencies and other non-profit Employment Ontario delivery agencies.

This online training module was funded by the Employment Ontario Network Development Fund. We are grateful for their support.

The topic of board governance is timely as organizations continue to be held to high standards expected by clients, the community, funders and other stakeholders. In an era where public trust of corporations is low, accountability to stakeholders is particularly important. The former Canadian Literacy and Learning Network defined good governance, at a very basic level, as meaning…

the organization is effective: realistic outcomes are set and achieved, resources are the right ones and well managed, and the interests of stakeholders are reflected in key decisions. Good governance is not only about being effective; it is how that effectiveness is achieved.  

Self-Study Modules

Community Literacy of Ontario has designed this self-study module to help organizations to further develop and strengthen their board governance practices. This module will examine effective governance in the areas of:

  • Board roles and responsibilities

  • Governance structures

  • The board and risk management

  • Board development

  • Effective board meetings

  • Evaluation

Embedded within each section are links to additional resources.

For the sake of simplicity, we have tried to use consistent language throughout the module. Individuals and organizations may use different terms so we have provided a quick reference below:

Organization—refers to the governing body (others may call it an agency, society, program, etc.)

Non-profit—refers to the incorporation status of the organization (others may call it not-for-profit, non-government, etc.)

Board member—refers to any individual who is part of the governing body (others may call it a board director)

Executive Director—refers to the senior management staff of the organization (others may call it an Administrator, Manager or CEO)

Next in the Module > Board Roles and Responsibilities

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