Review Funder Compliance

This module is designed to provide literacy agencies and others with insights, step-by-step procedures and the tools to take an organization through effective succession planning for funder compliance review. This is a self-study training module for step five.

STEP FIVE: Review Funder Compliance

As part of the succession planning process, you will want to ensure that the most current version of the Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) Program Guidelines and other guidelines as required are on hand, and note the location in the Succession Planning Binder.

Ensure all other current key documents published by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities are on hand and note the location in the Succession Planning Binder.

You will need to use the Program Monitoring Form found on the EOPG website to prepare for site visits. You will also want to print and keep monthly year-to-date reports from the EOIS CaMS and note the location in the Succession Planning Binder.

Accessing LBS Information on the Employment Ontario Partners Gateway

All relevant programming information related to the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities is located on the Employment Ontario Partners Gateway.

Literacy and Basic Skills Key Publications

The Literacy and Basic Skills Service Provider Guidelines (effective April 1, 2012) can be downloaded from the Employment Ontario Partners Gateway at:

All other key Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities’ publications are found on this website:

Key Publications List (Teal Coloured Documents)

The Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework (OALCF) was launched in April 2011. All documentation pertaining to the OALCF can be found on the Employment Ontario Partners Gateway at:

Ensure that the relevant parties understand how to access, update and maintain information in EOIS CaMS. Include necessary information about accessing EOIS CaMS in the Emergency Succession Folder.

Next in the Module > Prevent Data Loss

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