Learning Materials

In this module, we review learner materials for learner goals for learner retention highlighting how literacy can make a difference in lives and encouraging learners to participate in life-long learning opportunities. This is a self-study training model on effective learner retention strategies for Literacy and Basic Skills agencies and other non-profit Employment Ontario delivery agencies.

Learning Materials

Using learning materials that are adult-oriented and relevant to learner goals and needs is important for learner retention. Practitioners should use a wide variety of relevant resources that are geared to adults.

Unfortunately, it can often be hard to find adult-oriented learning materials for low level learners.

Some good resources do exist, however. It is just a matter of knowing where to find them. There are many ways to gather effective learning materials. Community Literacy of Ontario has listed just a few of these ways here.

  • Visit the Task-based Activities for LBS website at http://taskbasedactivitiesforlbs.ca. This website was created for you, the Literacy and Basic Skills practitioners in Ontario. It contains hundreds of task-based activities to use with adult learners. All the materials have been aligned to the Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework (OALCF). All activities are versatile, preparing learners for test taking, for using workplace authentic documents, for post-secondary academics, or for living independently. More so, these documents will help you prepare your learners to complete milestones.

  • Program-based Learning Materials. Your literacy program probably has tried and true learning materials. Other programs have also developed some great material over the years, and most literacy programs are willing to share, so ask around!

  • Adapt your own materials. Since all materials should be based on the needs and goals of adult learners, adapt learning materials suited directly to their individual needs. For example, complex documents can be rewritten using plain language and be adjusted to have a task-based focus. Also, it isn’t necessary to tackle an entire document at once. You can work on individual sections. For example, you can use just the table of contents to learn how to locate important information. Or on an application form, you can just focus on the personal information section. Be creative!

  • Talk to your regional literacy network. Ontario’s regional literacy networks are a wonderful source of information and resources. Most have built up a library of various literacy resources and they are eager to help.

  • Talk to other literacy practitioners. Effective learning materials can be shared at regional or provincial meetings and conferences or at Literacy Services Plan meetings. Or, simply call or email your colleagues. Working in a caring profession is useful – literacy practitioners are usually extremely helpful to their colleagues!

  • Talk to your local library about what material they have for low level adult readers and suggest reading materials or places to order such resources. Libraries are naturally concerned with public access to books.

  • Visit the website of Laubach Literacy Ontario to order learning materials from the highly acclaimed “Voyager”, “Challenger” and “Laubach Way to Reading” series. Please visit: www.laubach-on.ca and click on “Bookstore.”

  • E-Channel is an online literacy learning environment developed by Contact North. E-Channel:

    • Provides Ontarians online literacy and basic skills courses, that are either “live” in an online classroom or at “anytime” at a time and place convenient to the student.

    • Supports services at no cost to indigenous, anglophone, deaf, and francophone cultural groups, and to those preparing for apprenticeship and postsecondary programs.

    • Manages an online meeting space for students, teachers, coaches, trainers and leaders of adult literacy and basic skills programs.

    • Offers an easy and convenient way for Ontarians to interact and learn through real-time or anytime classroom lessons.

  • The Learning Edge is a project of the Wellington County Learning Centre. The Learning Edge is a highly rated online newspaper for adult learners packed with interactive learning activities. Check out: http://wellingtoncountylearningcentre.ca/edge/

  • As well, computer-based learning on CDs can be valuable for some learners. Try out programs such as “Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing”, “Money Matters,” “Measuring Up”, and the “Everyday Living” software (Math for Everyday Living, How to Write for Everyday Living, How to Read for Everyday Living, etc.). Again, search the Internet and talk to your fellow literacy practitioners to find out your options!

  • The Golden Oak Reading Program is another great resource for adult learners. This award is sponsored by the Ontario Library Association and it provides new adult readers with the opportunity to read specially-chosen Canadian books geared to them. They can read the books by themselves, with their tutors, or as part of a reading group. Readers can also share their thoughts in an online discussion. The winning author is chosen based on the ratings given by the readers. The awards are presented in June of each year. For more information, please visit: www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/adult-literacy/golden-oak-book-club.jsp.

  • Grass Roots Press provides a variety of adult literacy resources for practitioners and adult students: www.grassrootsbooks.net/ca/.

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